
I am actively engaged as a PhD student at the Algorithms and Complexity Group at the Technical University of Vienna, where I explore novel approaches to solving Constraint Programming instances. Topics of interest:

In my Master's thesis, titled "SAT-based Local Improvement for the Closest String Problem," I investigated a new approach for improving existing heuristics for optimization problems. In my PhD, I research how LLMs could be used for solving CP instances more efficiently.

» Ever since I was a child, I have dreamed of becoming a scientist. I find it exciting to research previously unanswered questions and it gives me the feeling that I can enrich humanity with knowledge. «


Algorithms for Satisfiability Testing

Florentina Voboril

September 2023, SKILL 2023, Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn.

Note: to appear

Computing Treewidth with Constraint Programming

Florentina Voboril

pages 115–126, September 2022, SKILL 2022, Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn.

Initial Learning of Textual Programming at School: Evolution of Outreach Activities

Martina Landman, Gerald Futschek, Svetlana Unkovic, Florentina Voboril

OLYMPIADS IN INFORMATICS, pages 43–53, January 2022.